Real Name : | America Ochoa | |
Nickname : | N/A | |
Born : | February 17, 1988 | |
Birth Place : | Apatzingan, Michoacan, Mexico |
I was born and raised in michoacan mexico and then later on brought here to the u.s. with that said, let it be known lol i am full blooded mexican dont let the light eyes, which by the way are natural! ;] & bleached hair fool you lol.
Ok whats next, lets see. my father has always been involved with music and so ever since i can remember i have been going to see him pratice, perform and record. i learned from the best, i love my dad and he was my number one influence in wanting to be part of this music scene. ok so one day while i was in Mexico, i happen to stumble upon a stand of burnt cds (ok it was a “tianguis” lol) that was playing a song from a group that i had never heard before and you could say i fell in love at first song lol. It was Control Machete, a rap group out of monterrey mexico. ok so this group was it for me. the voice of fermin iv (the lead rapper from the group) was unlike anyone i had ever heard rapping.
Yes, i listened to rap music way before control machete but nobody else had ever made me be like, “wow this fools voice is something else”. the strength in his voice & the words from the lyrics they did, made me relate to the genre a whole lot more and so i decided to see what i was capable of and give it a shot. the lifestyle was there from the get go, and turns out, my voice fit in perfect. i started out around 13 years old with this whole rapping thing and surprisingly, i got the hang of it really fast.
I started out from the bottom with no beats and no real connections aside from my fathers spanish music group, guitars and Rock en Espanol weird connects lol and lets be honest, i didn’t want to end up singing in a cantina lol. along the way i met a lot of useless people. A lot of people who were nothing but talk and lies. they tell you they are going to help you but you never see any actions. they tell you that you have to change this or that about yourself because you don’t fit the “mold” of what an artist should be.
They promise you the world and you never hear back from them. i got myself a bass cd and wrote songs with it as beats. i rap’d all thru-out high school to friends and family with the same type of pure bass cds. i continued rapping where ever and when ever i got a chance to, parties, talent shows, etc.
One thing i can say is that i always had my main goal in mind and always focused on what one day i could possibly become. it was only a matter of time, just like i always said. after a few years and just like i explained to you about these useless people you meet along the way, i started getting a lot more involved in finding ways to actually record (special thanks to Ese Silent for the big help) and finding ways to actually perform at real shows (special thanks to Drowz for the huge help as well) and handle my own even when nobody else helped.
Igot pregnant at 16 years old, but instead of slowing down, things started looking a whole lot better for me. who would of thought. everyone thought that all i was going to do was sit there with a “ruined” life crying about it and end up working at some fast food place for the rest of my life but suprise, suprise, God was on my side. now that i was independent and could roll out anywhere, i started to make some real moves. it was then when i started making my first real connects to record and getting spots in shows.
There was no looking down on me. i was a teen mom but i held my own and instead of my life being “over” like some people say.. my life got even better. now by no means am i trying to tell girls to go and get pregnant so their lives can be better, what i’m trying to say is that i’m not the type and was never the type of girl who allows people the satisfaction of seeing her in the gutter. now with a big as smile on my face all i can do is say, the laugh last es mia.
After a few good connects and me being all movida trying to find where to get myself situated, i started doing legit shows and even featured on a couple albums. talk to people, let them know you rap, show them, if you dont have a real demo.. rap to them live like i did one time at a control machete show! lol. someone is bound to listen! if you send a demo and they never hit you back up, don’t trip! I sent out a lot and i didn’t let that stop me! fuck it if one person don’t like you, another 10 will. you cant just sit and wait! the reason i’m saying this is because thats one of the most frequent questions i get asked all the time.. how did you do it Ms Krazie? well there you have it.
Ok, so during one of my usual talks and out of no where raps, i was able to get a hold of a rapper by the name of Don Abusivo which at the time was signed to the major label.. universal. he heard me out and he passed the word on to his producer which then got a hold of me and set me up with the label im currently signed to, urban kings. it was a long long road and it would take me forever to try and document to you guys every single bump in the road but all i can tell you is that this music thing is nothing like what you imagine. Yes, there is a lot of good stuff but more than good, theres a ton of bullshit and shady business. I always asked myself why some rappers drop one album and then you never hear from them again, now i understand why.
You have to take so much crap that sometimes you sit there and be like, “is it really worth being in this music thing?” When you could be sitting at home having your regular job and being with your family stress free and bullshit free? i go to all kinds of artist pages and till this day I haven’t seen one that sets it clear for all these up coming artists to know the real truth about being an “artist” and that no, we don’t all have tons of “feddi” (feria, money, cash) if you don’t know what that means.
Some of us are broke most of the time, some of us have families and sometimes the money simply isn’t enough. But with that said, the butterflies i get in my stomach every time I’m about to hit a stage, is priceless. I guess you can say at the end of the day there are some things that make it all worth it, but clearly, know what your getting yourself into if this is the career you want to follow. Always have a back up plan for your life.
Anyways, enough complaining lets move on to the more simple who iam here at home sitting down playing video games type of bio lol. lets get to the good stuff lol; im a mother of (2) beautiful babydolls who are my world, yes my real eye color is blue. Yes, i bleach my hair and i like to use a lot of makeup lol and guess what, i love it! lol. I’m the type that likes to listen to music while she gets “ready” lol and i try not to take forever but the whole cat eyes & brows take the longest for me to get done.
Ilove my hair and specially blonde but I’ve had it all kinds of colors in the past from browns, to violet shades lol, to bright red and orange lol, i do my own hair when it comes to coloring & bleaching, i also do my own styling most of the time because no one but me gets it when i try to explain the “big hair playmate sex kitten” look lol. no, my eyebrows are not tatted.. they are just real skinny and i draw the rest lol, i dont like to dress up that much so dont be fooled by the sultry look in my pictures because its rare. you can usually find me in jeans and a regular shirt for comfiness lol.
I love big hoop earrings and rhinestones. i love anything like necklaces or bracelets ect with my name or nickname on them. I don’t really party, i rather kick back at home with friends or family and just talk & laugh but i also like to go out with friends from time to time and just have us some good as fun you know. watching tv or going to the movies is good, horror/triller films and shows about paranormal stuff are my favorite!
I like to cruise it bumping some loud as music lol. to sum it all up, im pretty much laid back status, i sometimes don’t like too many people around lol “me engentan” if you know what that means heh.. odd because when i go to shows i’m ok but when i’m like at my Gramas house and she has tons of old ladys over.. I’m like go away senoras!!! lol.
I love love love vitamin waters even if those sneaky sons of.. have like 125 calories a bottle lol, i like to eat mariscos, chongos, pastel de tres leches, flanes and junk of all sorts lol. i also enjoy me some xbox live and just talking to all kinds of people on there and playing guitar hero 3 and ghost recon 1 & 2 but i prefer 1 lol and no im not hella good haha. lets see what else can i say.. i listen to all kinds of music and sometimes me pegan arranques de loquera and I’ll bump some el chapo de sinaloa lol and then the next minute I’m like hell naw and ill bump some sonora dinamita lol im a big fan of cumbias, I love to dance em and everything and all the sonoras i like la sonora dinamita, sonora santanera, sonora chevere, sonora tropical ect. i sometimes like to sing along with margarita from one of the sonoras & still grab a hairbrush as a mic and sing to the mirror lol.
Iseldomly listen to rap, which people trip out on that but i don’t know.. i mean i hardly even like to listen to myself lol. I guess after being locked in the studio for so many hours doing the same songs, the last thing you want to do is hear that song again lol.
Ialso like rock en espanol like for example hombres g or soda estereo and in english some of rage against the machine, muse, and basically everyone from guitar hero 3 lol and some others without forgetting to include those firme oldies both in English and Spanish.
Iconsider myself a nice person, I’m sweet. some people say that i look stuck up in my pictures but its nothing like that, believe me I’m such a joker lol. if your firme with me, I’m firme with you simple as that.
I love taking pictures, if i wasn’t a rapping i would probably be a photographer because i love all that photo stuff. photography is my second love. I’m not shy, i like taking risky pictures.. i love to feel sexy and transmit that in my pictures and at this point i don’t care about other peoples opinions, i’m just me. I like to talk about everything and i joke around a lot. I don’t like to compete, i know a lot of girls who always try to see who’s the prettiest or something like that but I’m the kind who will tell them, “yea your pretty now lets change the subject” lol. ok so on a final note, no se me aguiten que I’m pretty firme once you get to know me believe me I’m like this look at the face ;] lol. aqui estoy para si les puedo ayudar en algo.
You know what, i forgot to talk about my albums lol so ill mention them on here real quick since i already got you hooked on my long bio lol. ok i have (2) albums out so far nationwide. the first one is called “brown Is beautiful”. i remember one time when i got the final copy of the cd from my producer before it actually came out, i wrote on it with a sharpie.. “brown is beady” lol wtf was i thinking lol i guess i was thinking about beady eyes for some reason lol. anyways lol i released it in 2006, the second album is called “firme homegirl oldies” and that one is from 2007.
I’m currently working on my 3rd album entitled “smile now cry never” which should be out summer 2008. i still have a lot of things in mind that i would like to accomplish si diosito me da licensia, like for example another oldie album and so on.. so you will have a lot more ms krazie pa’rato. remember that you dont have to be shy.. talk to me, send me a message, comments or emails. Hit up my official website at and write to me whenever you like.
If i do not respond to your message, please don’t take offence to it. I sometimes get so many mails at the same time that its really hard to get back to everyone but i do read every single message and i thank you for your time in writing. Thank you so very much to all the people who have been following my carrer for this long and who still support and buy my music and go to my shows and love the songs as much as i do. i am forever grateful to you all. thanks for all the love and for coming to my myspace and everything. i really appreciate every single one of you, truly. hope to get to meet a lot more of you this year (2008) in shows and see what you all are up to. for now take care and like I’ve always said, I send you all a bunch of carino. besos!
Ms Krazie feat. Conejo
Ms Krazie – Chingua tu Madre